divendres, 21 de març del 2014

Music life

Hi again!
So I was thinking that a blog with only a "Welcome post" might be a bit weird.

I decided to talk about music.
Right now, I'm crazy about Dress On (Justin Timberlake aka the best) and Mirrors (also from JT). I have to say he's not my idol, I mean, I just like these two songs so much. I like Ed Sheeran as well, even though it's kinda hard for me to pronunce Sheeran. You know, we haven't got a perfect pronunciation...
Ed has too many songs that I like, and all of them are perfect. I couldn't choose one, but I can choose two: Lego House (Harry Potter fans might like the video) and The A Team.
What I like most about him is that his videos are perfect.

Now let's talk about Taylor Swift: her songs are amazing. I'm not lying if I say she is one of the best singer that has ever existed.

AND NOOOOOOOW: ONE DIRECTION! Or my idols, if you prefer this. They are perfect and well, I can't say more, I have no words for them.
The only I can say is that their songs help so many fans and that they save so many lives.

Have a lovely night x


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